Happiness and True Wellness requires a Different approach.


Serena Skinner MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, ACS is a Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Sexologist and Certified Magnetic Mindset Coach that focuses Anti-aging and Wellness of the mind, body and spirit.

She is an expert in functional medicine, mindset coaching, stress management, anti-aging, weight loss and sexual wellness with a thriving private medical practice. Serena works diligently with clients daily in addressing the issues that result in most people not having the highest quality of life that are not adequately addressed at their primary doctors office.

Serena is certified through The American College of Sexologist International, The American Academy of Anti-Aging for Medicine, Cellular Medicine Association, The American Association of Nurse Practitioners and Magnetic Mind Superconscious Recode.

Serena Skinner believes in creating a holistic approach to wellness and happiness by meeting the needs of clients who want more out of life and are ready to take a new path.

Welcome to The Everything Woman: An Awakened Journey Retreat, where women come together to reclaim their inner peace, rediscover their authentic selves, and cultivate a sense of empowerment in a world filled with demands and expectations. Led by holistic coach and spiritual guide Serena Skinner, this transformative six-day retreat offers a sanctuary for women to pause, reflect, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal.

Through this retreat we will help you work on trauma that his held in the body, including sexual, emotional and physical traumas, grief, burnout, relationship wounds, feelings of lost or unknown identities and epigenetic traumas.

In a society where women often find themselves stretched thin, juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, it's easy to lose sight of our own needs and desires amidst the chaos of daily life. The pressure to meet the expectations of others can leave us feeling overwhelmed, depleted, and disconnected from ourselves.

Services Available



A revolution in neuro-transformation was uncovered in 2015 after 30 years of clinical research in psychotherapy that shows we create all of our existing beliefs, limits, personalities, and emotions. However, we have never had a fast and easy way to align our own internal consciousness with our true desires to create sustainable long-term success. Until now.

Combining the Science of neuro-plasticity, quantum physics, epigenetics, with neuro-linguistics programing, Serena Skinner can help you gain insight into your patterns, behaviors, emotions, and yes, even your health using the Super Conscious Recode in her Magnetic Mind Coaching.

Serena Sinner Online Curses



Courses created by Serena Skinner that help address some of our most common root problems made available for you to complete on your own time frame. Currently offering courses in:

Beginners Magnetic Mindset

Functional Fix: 16 week program for weight loss and health.



An immersive 6 day retreat for women who are drowning in trying to be everything for everyone else but themselves. Here you will find your true self in the midst of the chaos.

September 10 - 15 , 2024

Serena Skinner,  Nutraceuticals, Buti Performance, Nutrigenomics,  Lifevantage, Nutritional healthh



Nutraceuticals are defined as food or part of a food that may provides medicinal or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease. They are nutrients that are found in food sources made into supplement form and easy to consume, allowing improved health outcomes using the field of nutrigenomics. We Partner with Buti Performance, Lifevantage and Fullscript.

Serena Skinner,  Nutraceuticals, Buti Performance, Nutrigenomics,  Lifevantage, Nutritional healthh
Buti Performance, Serena Skinner Holistic edicine, wellness, fitness, weight loss, sexual function, diabetes control
LifeVantage, nutrigenomics, Serena Skinner
Serena Skinner, Fullscript, Nutraceuticals, wellness, holistic medicine, telehealth